What Does Your Beer Say About You?

You may have noticed my Hoposcope tweets, or you may have chosen to ignore them. If you were one of the people who rolled your eyes…then keep on rolling….that’s it…all the way over there….good.

I read this tweet from Melissa Cole and found the content inspiring. The theme: What Does Your Beer Say About You?  I wrote some of my own:


Lambic: Your best day of the week is Thursday and your best colours are those of the sea: blue, green, lavender and silver.

ESB: You have an aptitude for healing & creating a better world. Along the way there are beautiful relationships to enjoy

Mild: Charming, elegant, stylish & romantic. Your best day of the week is Friday & your colours are gentle hues of blues, pinks and violets.

Saison: Mesmerising, insightful, determined, resourceful & focused. Your best day of the week is Tuesday & your colours deep red and black.

Black IPA: Quirky, determined, logical & eccentric. Your best colours are electric blue & anything metallic.You are ambitious & a good lover.

Old Ale: Mentally nimble, analytical, constructive, meticulous and often linguistically gifted. Your colours are Earthy greens and browns.

IPA: Bold, courageous, independent, enthusiastic, fun-loving & fascinating. Your best day of the week is Tuesday and orange is your colour.

Best Bitter: Persistent, appreciative, dependable, practical and passive. Your best day of the week is Friday and your best colour, brown.

Beer Blend: Funny, versatile, talkative, fast-thinking & sophisticated. Your best day is Wednesday & your best colours are yellow and lilac.

Helles: Sensitive, argumentative, imaginative & forthright. You do not recognise days of the week, you idolise Bono & your best colour is mint.

White Stout: You’re a maverick, misunderstood, you shoot from the hip & often too quick to judge. You love weekends and playing in the snow.

Lager: Your friends often tell you you’re quick tempered, you don’t suffer fools gladly & you have a potty mouth. You enjoy long walks alone.

Sour: In years to come your family will finally understand you. The flamboyant attire, erratic mood swings & pursed lips. Festivities bore you.

5 thoughts on “What Does Your Beer Say About You?

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